
William O. Ware Lodge of Research

Resources and Links of Interest


The Journal features articles by the best-known authors in Freemasonry,


Masonic Research Lodges
Henry Bannister Grant Lodge of Research
Meets every 5th Saturday at 6:00 P. M. eastern time
Meetings are held at Booneville Lodge No. 939
39 South Court Street
Booneville, Kentucky 41314
Quatuor Coronati No. 2076 is the world’s premier research lodge. Established in 1884 and consecrated in 1886, the lodge’s founders wished to advance an evidence-based approach to the study of Masonic history and research into the origins of Freemasonry. Their approach was intended to replace the more imaginative writings of earlier authors and was referred to as the ‘authentic school’ of Masonic research.
Texas Lodge of Research is a statewide Masonic lodge, instituted December 4, 1958 at Waco, Texas “for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, conducting and fostering Masonic research and study.”
Southern California Research Lodge
The Southern California Research Lodge is dedicated to Masonic education and information. We offer enlightenment to Masons and Lodges with our monthly publication, the Fraternal Review Magazine. You do not need to be a Mason to subscribe.
The Iowa Lodge of Research No. 2
The Missouri Lodge of Research
The Missouri Lodge of Research is a Masonic research organization composed of Freemasons dedicated to the study of Freemasonry, its history, and who by their contributions make it possible to publish, distribute, and discuss the results of their research. It was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, AF&AM on September 30, 1941 under the direction of MWB Harry S. Truman. The Lodge gathers and disseminates, by discussion and/or publication, information pertaining to the origin and development of Freemasonry and the members who have contributed to its growth and development.

Masonic Links and News
Freemasons for Dummies
With over eight-million visitors, Freemasons for Dummies blog, managed by Christopher Hodapp is the most frequented Masonic site on the Internet for Masonic news and happenings around the world.
The Laudable Pursuit
Robert G. Davis’ site is a collaborative effort that brings together numerous Masonic authors and thinkers into a single place, to create an easy to access hub for Masonic education from a variety of viewpoints.
Freemason Information
A web magazine about Freemasonry from Greg Steward.

George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America

Grand Lodges in the United States

Lexington Lodge No. 1

Caliburn Lodge No. 785 (Cincinnati)

Arts and Sciences Lodge No. 972  (Columbus)

Prometheus Lodge No. 851 (San Francisco)

Vitruvian Lodge No. 767  (Indianapolis)

Jewel P. Lightfoot No. 1283  (Dallas)

Esoterika Lodge No. 319   (Shoreline, WA)

Sophia Lodge No. 767   (Salisbury, NC)

Boynton Lodge No. 236  (Boynton, FL)

Fiat Lux No. 1717 District of Columbia

Adobe Lodge  XLI  (Tucson)

William O. Ware Lodge of Research - Resources & Additional Links